Monday, January 11, 2021

Dewey Classification System

AITIS Library

Dewey Classification System

Dewey Classification System was invented in 1876 by an American librarian called Melvil Dewey. It is used for most non-fiction books and classifies books into 10 major areas. Fiction books are not usually given Dewey numbers, but there are some places in the system where fiction can be found.

     000- General References: General knowledge, Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, World records.

     100- Philosophy & Psychology- How the mind works:  Books about mysteries, strange happenings, feelings, senses, dreams, ideas.

     200- Religion: Books about religions and beliefs.

     300- Social Science- Everyday Life: Books about how a community works, schools, laws, government, jobs, transport, myths, legends, fairytales, folktales, education, holidays and festivals.

     400- Words & Language: Dictionaries, thesaurus, idioms, English, and other learning languages.

     500 - Natural Science & Mathematics: Books about space and planets, weather, plants, flowers, tree, animals, birds, insects, fish, mammals, rocks, biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics.

     600- Applied Science & Technology- How things work: Books about farming, pets, cooking, food, machine, invention, electronics, health, medicine, human body, buildings.

     700- Arts and Recreation: Books about music, dancing, sports, games, riddles, arts & crafts.

     800- Literature: Rhymes, jokes, plays, poems.

     900- History & Geography: Books about the countries of the world, travel, history events, Biography.